MQL Code Security

In the world of Forex trading, Market has long been a hub for traders to access expert advisors and indicators. However, the security of MQL products has been a persistent concern, with rampant decompilation and hacking rendering existing protection measures ineffective. Despite efforts like cloud protection and services like MQLLock, which partially encrypts and moves code into DLLs, the ease of circumvention has led to widespread piracy and unauthorized distribution of trading robots and indicators.

In response to these vulnerabilities, www.FXPIP.ONE introduced a revolutionary solution in 2024: a secure client-server protocol for transmitting robot logic and signals, coupled with their proprietary MQL protection service. By storing a portion of the logic on their servers in C++ code and transmitting it securely to the client side, FXPIP.ONE ensures that decompilation of EX4 or EX5 files yields incomplete and unusable code, safeguarding against unauthorized replication and distribution. Collaborating with developers of Forex automated trading systems, FXPIP.ONE aims to preserve intellectual property rights and foster a secure marketplace for MQL-protected products.

MQL Code Security

MQL Code Security

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