CCI indicator strategies in EA MPGOv4
CCI indicator strategies in EA MPGOv4
PARAMETERS of CCI indicator strategies that you will see in SET of EA MPGO:
0-CCI not work
1-Sell if current CCI > CCI_Val & Buy if current CCI < -CCI_Val
2-Sell if current CCI < CCI_Val & Buy if current CCI > -CCI_Val
CCI_TF = 60 // timeframe where EA read CCI values at trading pairs
CCI_period = 14 // period CCI
CCI_Price = 0 // applied price 1 2 3 4 5 6
CCI_Val = 200 // signal value of current CCI. Negative value same as 200 but with minus -200. So Area is [-200 +200]
Keep_CCI_Cross = true // if true – EA read CCI and if dedicate no signal at current bar – it look in circle at history to find last cross of signal and keep trading this signal to new opposite signal that will reverse previous signal.
NextBarStrongerCCI = true // if true robot trade sell with additional condition only if CCI value at current bar stronger as at previous bar, example our current signal of CCI is sell and to open sell with NextBarStrongerCCI = true need conditions Current Bar CCI = +210 and at Previous Bar CCI = +220. See that 210 < 220 and CCI moves in sell direction.
TypeCCIFiltre=1 && Keep_CCI_Cross = false: EA will open Buy order only in Blue box area EA. Sell will be opened only in Red box area. No signals between them:

TypeCCIFiltre=1 && Keep_CCI_Cross = True: At current (latest) bar signal same as at previous pic (Keep_CCI_Cross = false). But if CCI value at Current bar have no signal (means that -200 >> CCI << +200 ) then EA look at history and find previous cross to keep such signal until reverse of CCI. We trade Buy from < -200 CCI and keep such signal until CCI will have +200. After +200 we start trade Sell and keep until -200 for Buy. In this case EA always have signal even between -200 and +200 comparing with Keep_CCI_Cross = false that trade only outside [-200 +200] and have no signals inside this channel.
TypeCCIFiltre=2 && Keep_CCI_Cross = false: Reversal signal comparing with TypeCCIFiltre=1 and no signals between -CCI_Val..+CCI_Val. So Buy area if CCI higher +200. Sell area if CCI less -200 value:
TypeCCIFiltre=2 && Keep_CCI_Cross = true: Same signal at current bar as at previous picture. But if current bar CCI have value between -200..+200 (no signal) then EA dedicate at history last cross and keep it to new reversal :
Here example with TypeCCIFiltre=1 && Keep_CCI_Cross = True && NextBarStrongerCCI = true: at current bar EA will not open new Sell because value of CCI at current bar higher CCI of previous bar. For open Sell we need CCI_curr_bar < CCI_previous_Bar ( in case Keep_CCI_Cross = True that hold Sell from +200 to -200). Every bar CCI must be stronger, comparing with previous bar values of indicator in case we hold some signal in circle at history crosses