Recommended Multi-PipStep from 10 pips and higher 15,20,25,30. More pairs you use bigger chance that more pairs will effect Multi-PipStep faster during jumping of Price. Maybe if make sence trade not at news but after 2-5 min after news to see how price go at USD and USD Pairs in ClearVision indicator (all clients have access to this indicator too).
Recommended Multi-LastTP – use it little bit bigger than pipstep. example it Mukti-Pipstep = 10 then Multi-LastTP = 15 or 20. We will also will need to add additional filter to MultiLastTP to be closed if calculated order at last Multi-LastTP level have total profit > 0 $ (not only pips as it shown in monitor of EA)
For Clients: From now we will post news mostly here in Blog: Blog • Automated Forex Robots ( and we can dublicate same post as new Topic at Forum so you can join to add your comments and results with new ideas for EA.
EA MPGO Demo Test started – run EA at unlimit demo accounts and test strategies.
Plan of Testing:
Before London Market open Test 3, 4, 5, 6 pairs from High and Low as shown at this picture.
Before US Market open Test 3, 4, 5, 6 pairs from High and Low as shown at this picture.
Before Asia Market open Test 3, 4, 5, 6 pairs from High and Low as shown at this picture.
At Forex USD News test this : if USD go UP we use 2 first lines in CV_777.txt for buy and SELL :
Recommended Multi-PipStep from 10 pips and higher 15,20,25,30. More pairs you use bigger chance that more pairs will effect Multi-PipStep faster during jumping of Price. Maybe if make sence trade not at news but after 2-5 min after news to see how price go at USD and USD Pairs in ClearVision indicator (all clients have access to this indicator too).
Recommended Multi-LastTP – use it little bit bigger than pipstep. example it Mukti-Pipstep = 10 then Multi-LastTP = 15 or 20. We will also will need to add additional filter to MultiLastTP to be closed if calculated order at last Multi-LastTP level have total profit > 0 $ (not only pips as it shown in monitor of EA)
For Clients: From now we will post news mostly here in Blog: Blog • Automated Forex Robots ( and we can dublicate same post as new Topic at Forum so you can join to add your comments and results with new ideas for EA.
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